Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Burt's Bee Owned by Clorox

I just came across this article in New York Times “Can Burt’s Bees Turn Clorox Green?”. I was never a fun of Burt’s Bee but I have to confess that I was surprised to find out that they are now owned by Clorox. The Burt’s Bee Company claims that its products are natural and Clorox claims that is working hard to become green. Will Burt’s Bee become Clorox or Clorox will become Burt’s Bee? Well, the history proved one thing: when a small company is acquired by a big one, in time it will simply become the same thing. I doubt that Clorox will change its line of products so easily but I am pretty sure that will be able to wipe out the natural part of the Burt’s Bee.

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